Darcy Bookkeeping & Business Services were contacted by one of the managing partners of a large raw material provider in Caboolture. The concern that the business manager had was the size of the weekly bill and level of productivity of their current Caboolture bookkeeper who had been with their business for many years. Unfortunately after years of engagement the current bookkeeper had become too familiar with the flows of the business and had the impression that the role was now their own to do with as they liked.
Enter Sandra and her Caboolture bookkeeper services. What was initially discussed within the first meeting was what innovation could be brought to the role to bring down costs and still achieve the level of monthly reporting and day to day operational capability that the business needed to maintain and increase profitability. The client was currently using MYOB AccountRight and handling a lot of paperwork in the day to day workings of the business. Darcy bookkeeping made the following suggestions for this business to adopt to save time and money:
The business manager was happy to adopt all of Darcy bookkeeping's suggestions. The current bookkeeper was let go without any loss of knowledge and operational capability to the business, costs were stabilized in relation to administration and bookkeeping fees, new processes to replace the old were adopted which lead to increased profitability. Darcy Bookkeeping assisted in the employment selection of the right candidate for the administration role, the migration from MYOB to Xero accounting software and the implementation of new bookkeeping processes to assist in reducing errors and improvement of productivity of the business.
The business has now been a long term client of Darcy Bookkeeping & Business Services. The business has now become more profitable due to the decrease in costs of running the business and the owners of the business no longer need to spend time focussing on the running of the back office and instead can focus on business development, management and sales.
Become one of the Darcy Bookkeeping business success stories as we provide bookkeeping Caboolture wide without any limitations on the number of hours you can engage our services or how frequently you require a Caboolture bookkeeper. Call today on 1300 728 875 or email at [email protected]